This is most of the school and parents. They had great displays and most kids were dressed up for their countries.
Ella and Daniel. One of his new friends. She is from Denmark and is quickly learning English and Arabic. They sit next to each other on the bus almost everyday.
Some art they did for international day. The KG2's had the Country Jordan. So they made maps of the country, flags, and Jordan carpets.
This is the local karate class doing a demonstration. (I think because the Principal's kids go there--LOL)
This is the 4th graders who had Brazil. The soccer players walked around the kids in the middle doing the Macarana.
I think this class had New Zealand.
This class had Australia.
This class had Egypt.
Leylah enjoyed it as much as she does any other event. She slept through it--just like the airshow with the British Red Arrows and Jordan Falcons a couple weeks ago.